Peripheral Artery Disease
PAD affects at least 8 to 12 million Americans. The disease prevalence increases with age and 12% to 20% of Americans age 65 and older (4.5 to 7.6 million) have PAD. Prevalence of PAD is as high as 29% in high-risk individuals (age older than 70 years without additional risk factors, or age 50 to 69 years with a history of cigarette smoking or diabetes) in the primary care setting.
PAD is poorly recognized and under treated. Even when patients are diagnosed with PAD, they are still unaware of the diagnosis. Unfortunately, many patients are referred to a vascular specialist with advanced disease including critical limb ischemia and non-healing wounds.
Dr. Bahadur has been treating patients with advanced vascular disease for the last 5 years. His experience includes vascular ultrasound interpretation, diagnostic angiogram, and intervention. He specializes in vascular interventions, especially complex infra-popliteal disease including chronic occlusions and pedal loop recreations. He also has experience working in wound care clinic.
Lifetime Heart & Vascular now has two convenient locations in the east valley to serve our patients.